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Team Dynamics

How much do personality assessments cost?

If you are serious about investing in your people, you know that uncovering what makes them tick will have a direct, positive impact on their workplace interactions, their professional development, and their satisfaction. Enhancements in these areas can lead to long-lasting improvements in the recruitment and retention of key personnel. Personality assessments provide the most efficient and effective path for understanding personality at work, but once you start looking at the various options in the marketplace, you’ll quickly see a big variance between the different offerings. To clear up any confusion, we’ve outlined the various alternatives, their associated cost ranges,… Read More »How much do personality assessments cost?

Can you calculate ROI for personality assessments?

Most good business decisions have an associated return on investment (ROI). If you purchase a piece of equipment that increases output by 50% with the same labor, then the ROI calculation seems simple. An investment in marketing that drives a 20% increase in new customers is similarly easy. But what about initiatives tied to personality assessments? How do we transition from framing personality assessment as part of the “soft” and “fuzzy” world of HR and OD into the concrete, bottom-line world of finance and real ROI? If your organization is contemplating making an investment in the use of personality assessments,… Read More »Can you calculate ROI for personality assessments?