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John Lipinski

Reframing to Save Your Sanity

Most of us recognize that all work all the time is killing us. It’s killing our productivity, it’s killing our engagement, and it’s killing our capacity for effective, sustained focus.

Without Trust, Engagement is Dead

Employee engagement is a big topic for good reasons, but “Improving Engagement” often seems like a daunting and abstract task. This challenge has very little to do with identifying reasonable first steps (ChatGPT, Claude, and google provide similar sets of suggestions), the “whats” of employee engagement if you will.

Framing is (Nearly) Everything

More generally, framing is simply the way we look at or describe things. Framing declining sales as a “sales problem” or as a “product problem” is a big deal because those different framings lead to enormous differences in analysis, decision-making, and action. Choose the wrong frame and you’ll end up solving the wrong problem and putting your business at risk.

It’s Not You or Me. It’s Us

When I was in the fifth grade, I changed schools. The new school had a placement test with two sections: Verbal and Math. Being 10 years old, I wasn’t too worried so when my mom dropped me off with my two No. 2 pencils

People Before Policy

Think of a job that you chose to leave (or are about to leave). What was the core problem? Reasons vary but there are typically some recurring themes tied to engagement:
 · No forward path (or someone actively blocked it)

How much do personality assessments cost?

If you are serious about investing in your people, you know that uncovering what makes them tick will have a direct, positive impact on their workplace interactions, their professional development, and their satisfaction. Enhancements in these areas can lead to long-lasting improvements in the recruitment and retention of key personnel. Personality assessments provide the most efficient and effective path for understanding personality at work, but once you start looking at the various options in the marketplace, you’ll quickly see a big variance between the different offerings. To clear up any confusion, we’ve outlined the various alternatives, their associated cost ranges,… Read More »How much do personality assessments cost?

Why personality assessments succeed or fail

It seems like everyone is either talking about or already using personality assessments. Emerging demographic shifts and the accompanying tight labor market mean that personality assessments have shifted from the rare “nice to have” to a common and critical tool for finding, retaining, and developing the right talent. This shift marks the use of personality assessments as something substantially more than a recent uptick, instead approaching what futurist and best-selling author Daniel Burrus defines as a hard trend or “future certainty”. But while the adoption of personality assessments might be inevitable, the successful application of personality assessments is less certain.… Read More »Why personality assessments succeed or fail

Can you calculate ROI for personality assessments?

Most good business decisions have an associated return on investment (ROI). If you purchase a piece of equipment that increases output by 50% with the same labor, then the ROI calculation seems simple. An investment in marketing that drives a 20% increase in new customers is similarly easy. But what about initiatives tied to personality assessments? How do we transition from framing personality assessment as part of the “soft” and “fuzzy” world of HR and OD into the concrete, bottom-line world of finance and real ROI? If your organization is contemplating making an investment in the use of personality assessments,… Read More »Can you calculate ROI for personality assessments?